Preparing for emergencies before they happen just makes sense. You know your way to the local ER, you have batteries on hand in case of a power outage, and you provide emergency contacts when starting a new job.
Why wouldn’t you prepare for a dental crisis? Use this guide to find the best emergency dentist in Fairfax now.
That way when an unexpected dental incident does occur, you know exactly who to call.
- Choose a Provider That Reserves Time for Same-Day Emergencies
Not all dentists offer this. Does yours? While you likely trust your regular dentist completely, if they don’t offer same-day appointments it’s smart to find one who does. You can even ask your regular dentist for a recommendation in case of an emergency.
- They Should Have Experience With Dental Emergencies
The best emergency dentist in Fairfax is one who can perform treatments for all types of dental emergencies. Some of the most common emergencies include broken teeth, abscesses / infection, severe toothaches, and a tooth that has been knocked out. Ask about the services your emergency dentist offers to be sure you won’t be passed on to someone else.
You’ll also want to take time to verify their credentials. There are dental clinics almost everywhere, but that doesn’t always mean you’ll receive quality care. Take control of your oral health and be sure you get the care you deserve!
- Make Sure They Accept Your Insurance and / or Payment Method
Check to see if the emergency dentist you prefer accepts your insurance. If not, find out about fees and payment options for common treatment options such as tooth extractions. It might even be a smart idea to put away a little money for dental emergencies so you’re not caught off guard.
- The Best Emergency Dentist Has 24/7 Assistance
It’s going to be difficult to find a dentist’s office that is open 24/7, but there should be a number to call in case you need help after hours. Sometimes, you can deal with an emergency on your own if you have the right advice. Know you can get that when you need it the most.
You Can Trust Perfect Smiles of Reston for the Best Emergency Dentist in Fairfax!
Your oral health is our top priority, which is why we offer not only regular dental services but emergency dentistry as well.
You are welcome to book an appointment online, but for an emergency we recommend you call our office at 703-982-7355. We’re here to help!